Q & A
Q: Can your company find any product I need?
A: Yes. All you have to do is let us know what product you want and we will search for relevant suppliers and the best prices.
Q: How long does it take to import a product from China?
A: It depends on the means of transport. The shortest way is with express or cargo flight, which usually takes 5 to 12 days, depending on the frequency of flights. By rail, it can take up to 30 days while ship transportation takes 40-45 days.
Q: How can I order a product?
A: You must contact us explaining what exactly you are looking for and we will provide you all the necessary information. You can contact us via phone or email.
Q: Do I have to pay in order to have samples of the products and information about the suppliers/prices, etc?
A: We undertake research and find the suppliers/products. Then we inform you about the prices and provide you samples for evaluation, free of charge. The cost of buying and shipping samples is paid by the customer.
Q: What if I need storage space for a period of time?
A: Our two main service plans (Basic and Upgraded) provide free storage of products for a short period, up to 1 month. With an extra charge, we can arrange the rental space in China on your behalf.
Q: How do I contact shipping (transportation) companies?
A: We arrange the communication and consultation with transportation companies on your behalf.
Q: Is the process of buying a product secure?
A: Our company guarantees that both the purchase of the product from the suppliers and your payment are made with absolute security and in accordance with all legal and modern specifications.
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